
Mesamche Lev was founded by the legendary master of tzedakah, Reb Zalmen Ashkenazi, zatzal. It began as a one-man effort to put food on his chavrusah’s Shabbos table, and quickly expanded to feed widows and orphans suffering in silence. Reb Zalmen dedicated himself entirely to the cause. He banged on bimahs, knocked on doors, and visited magnates and philanthropists on behalf of the poor. He named his organization Mesamche Lev, to reflect his mission: to bring joy to the broken hearted. And bring joy he did, through innovative programs that recognized needs and acted upon them. He noticed children wearing torn shoes, and established the shoe program.

Today Mesamche Lev distributes forty two thousand pairs a year. He saw widows struggling to marry off their children, and established the orphan bride program. Today Mesamche Lev marries off an average of three orphans each week. He recognized that the poor had pride, and devised creative, dignified ways of giving. Today eleven thousand families swipe the Mesamche Lev “credit card” to “pay” for purchases.

Reb Zalmen, zatzal, lived and breathed Mesamche Lev until his final day. With his last bit of energy, he ensured that widows would have money for Pesach. Today his legacy lives on. It is a force of good that will be powered by you. Yes, you.



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  • shoes

    Shoes Distribution

    42,000 children receive high quality leather shoes each year.

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    Matzah Distribution

    50,000 pounds of matzah are sold at below half price to thousands of families in Israel and the US.

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    Meat Distribution

    Thousands of poor families receive meat coupons redeemable for meat and poultry before Pesach and Sukkos.

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    High Holidays Distribution

    Thousands of families participate in a massive distribution that provides for their high holiday needs.

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    Grocery coupons

    Hundreds of families receive coupons for free groceries.

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    Pesach Distribution

    The annual Nissan distribution ensures that 12,500 families have a festive Pesach.

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    Orphan Bride fund

    Over 150 orphans are married off each year. They receive dignified weddings, appliances, housewares, and more.

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    Torah Scholar Fund

    Mesamche Lev provides Torah scholars with meat and poultry on a regular basis.

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    Widow Support

    711 widows in Israel and the United States receive financial support.

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    Dairy Products Subsidies

    Dairy products are sold at one third of the retail price in poor neighborhoods.